The SciFiwise June 2023 Magazine is online!

Our June magazine features an incredible array of stories – from steampunk to demon monkey gods to Marilyn Monroe and a time-traveling Albert Einstein look-alike! Or maybe you would enjoy SF humor (perhaps some talking dogs or a new type of “kissing disease or typing monkeys?). Or how about stories on alien graffiti or worse – graffiti images that are in the deadly BLIT universe?

As always: don’t miss our author videos at the beginning of most stories, which feature insights into the unique process that each author goes through to write a brilliant, mind-bending story!

Check out the SciFiwise June 2023 Magazine here. 

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About the Author

Scott Pendergrast

Scott Pendergrast  8 articles >>

R. Scott Pendergrast, media maven and also a co-founder of, so this isn’t his first rodeo. He runs Mindwise Media, LLC which, according to the whims of the unknowable will of Cthulul...