The SciFiwise July 2023 Magazine is online!

How many of the brilliant stories in the July SciFiwise Magazine would make a great Black Mirror episode? (Our answer – 12, of course.) There is only one way for you to decide – start reading and let us know on our Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts! Check it out!

Our July magazine features an incredible array of stories – from time travel prisons (and time traveling “talent scouts”) to the Organization of Strange Phenomenon Ancient and Modern to cocooning spiders – and so much more. Our featured authors in July include James Patrick Kelly, Nancy Kress, John Kessel, David Langford, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Ken Liu, and the legendary Science Fiction Hall of Fame author Robert Silverberg!!

Plus, don’t miss our author videos at the beginning of most stories, which feature insights into the unique process that each author goes through when developing and executing another mind-bending story!

Check out the SciFiwise June 2023 Magazine here.

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About the Author

Scott Pendergrast

Scott Pendergrast  8 articles >>

R. Scott Pendergrast, media maven and also a co-founder of, so this isn’t his first rodeo. He runs Mindwise Media, LLC which, according to the whims of the unknowable will of Cthulul...