Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the head of a great speculative fiction author? Do you imagine a hive of complex machinery constantly churning out innovative ideas and fantastical concepts? Or perhaps it’s a dark and mysterious place where strange creatures lurk in the shadows, and otherworldly powers run rampant?

Well, we can’t speak for every author out there, but we do have a way for you to unlock the secrets of creativity behind some of the best SF stories around – through our SciFiwise Author Videos!

At SciFiwise, we’re all about bringing you the best in science fiction, fantasy, and horror from award-winning authors. And we believe that understanding the creative process behind these stories can make the reading experience even more enriching. That’s why we’ve started to build a collection of exclusive author videos featuring some of the biggest names in sci-fi, who share insights into what inspired their stories and what challenges they faced along the way.

In these short videos, which are featured at the top of most stories on our site, you’ll get an up-close and personal look at the minds of award-winning science fiction authors. Discover the weird and wonderful places that sparked their imagination, the real-life experiences that inspired their characters and settings, and the unique challenges they faced in bringing their stories to life. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at the writing process, from the initial idea to the final edits.

But be warned – you may find that the creative process is not always pretty! As much as we love to think of our favorite authors as superhuman beings with otherworldly powers of creativity, the reality is that it’s often a messy, frustrating, and downright bizarre process. But that’s what makes it so fascinating! Full-length author interviews are also on the way – and our first one with Nancy Kress is already available!

So, if you’re ready to dive headfirst into the minds of some of the greatest sci-fi authors of our time, then head on over to SciFiwise and check out our exclusive author videos. Who knows – you may just unlock a few secrets of creativity yourself!

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About the Author

Scott Pendergrast

Scott Pendergrast  8 articles >>

R. Scott Pendergrast, media maven and also a co-founder of Fictionwise.com, so this isn’t his first rodeo. He runs Mindwise Media, LLC which, according to the whims of the unknowable will of Cthulul...