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Steve Pendergrast

Steve Pendergrast  5 articles >>

J. Stephen Pendergrast, a software engineer and inveterate tinkerer. In a prior life he was a co-founder of Fictionwise.com, an early ebook website that featured science fiction and fantasy short stories (alas, Fictionwise is now defunct).

At SciFiwise, he mainly serves as a liaison between the various AI and extradimensional entities and the SciFiwise website code, which is now nearing self-awareness.

Rumors suggest that these activities have driven him stark raving mad. Not that there’s anything wrong with that....

SciFiwise Update

SciFiwise Update

(246 words, 2 minutes)

SciFiwise is being built! So far I’ve got some basic website functions like logging in, viewing stories, rating stories, and resizing fonts (only working on certain stories right now).

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